
Friday, April 1, 2011

Utilities Into The Site

Well the drawing portion of the program is largely complete, although there are still many decisions for the client and the development team to make. We have met the target number for the home, although some of the items in the budget have simply been assigned a sub-budget within which we must work when finalizing selections. 

With the drawings submitted to planning we will now await any questions that the building inspectors may have regarding the design, deal with those queries, and await our building permits! In the meantime we will call in our AC, electrical and plumbing partners for a discussion on bringing the utilities from the road into the building lot. It is critical that everyone knows what everyone else is doing and that we work in a coordinated and cost-effective manner, with the least amount of disruption to the neighborhood

The design and MEP teams meet with Phoenix to examine how the utilities will be brought into the site.